Grand Nephew Baby Quilt

A nautical themed quilt for newest addition to the Muscarella family, Ryan Smith, son of Bobbie's niece Kristen and her husband Robert.

Laura's Graduation Quilt

Mom made this crimson and black (school colors) quilt for her niece, Laura's graduation from the University of South Carolina in 2010. They were in the same Sorority, which uses the owl as a mascot, so the owl showed up on the dedication patch on the back of Laura's quilt. Laura said about the quilt, "Everyone who has seen it is in awe of the handwork, time and love you put into it. It is something I will cherish forever."

The fabric on the back is USC themed.

Laura didn't provide me with a picture of her and the quilt, so instead I've chosen this pic of Laura and mom at a wedding this summer. It looks like they're having a good time!

Sarah's Housewarming Quilt

Mom made me this blue and gold patchwork quilt for a housewarming gift. As you can see from the pictures, I didn't have my bed frame yet. The quilt is meant to be "used and abused" according to Mom. I'm very grateful for it on cold nights in Boston.

Luke's Graduation Quilt

(Luke and lovely girlfriend, Krittika, holding up Luke's Yankees quilt)

Mom created this Yankees themed quilt for her nephew's graduation from Denison University in 2009. The backing is made up of various fabrics with the logo for the Yankees: Luke's favorite team. This quilt was displayed in the Centre Pieces Quilt Guild Quilt Show in 2009 before making its way to Luke (see picture of Mom with the quilt, below).

Blue Lagoon Quilt

(Mom's blooming nine patch quilt on display)

Mom showed this blooming nine patch quilt at the 2009 Centre Pieces Quilt Guild Quilt Show. She made a similar quilt top in green pictured below, which she shows in her closet.

(Part of Mom's closet collection that's never been seen by the public- until now!)

Sophie's Baby Quilt

("TV is so much more relaxing under my quilt!" - Sophie)
Mom made this baby quilt for her newest niece, Sophie, for her first birthday in 2008, just to play on.

Irish Welcome Quilt

(Irish Welcome and Good Luck quilt, at the 2009 show)

This smaller sampler quilt was made by Mom with blue and Irish-green fabrics. It is a bedspread, and currently resides in the Mishiwaka condo. It was shown in the 2009
Centre Pieces Quilt Guild Quilt Show.

Teacup Quilt

(Mom's Teacup Quilt)

If there's one thing that my mom does more than quilt, it's drink tea, which is why this quilt really reflects her personality. Many of the blocks were made by members of the Centre Pieces Quilt Guild. Some of them feature quotes chosen by Mom about friendship. This quilt was displayed at the 2009 Centre Pieces Quilt Guild Quilt Show.